NEW! Destination Duluth Outdoors – The Adventurer’s Dreamland
Andrea Busche
Destination Duluth Outdoors is a new initiative that will weekly highlight Duluth as an Outdoor Enthusiast’s Destination for Life! Tanner Hermes’ family sunset paddleboarding on Lake Superior. Photo submited – Instagram @thermes_dlh When it comes to outdoor activities, what’s your vibe? Do you get your kicks from extreme sports like rock climbing or downhill skiing? Or, do you enjoy more leisurely movement, like snowshoeing or walking? Either way, Duluth has a place for you … and we can’t wait to tell you about it! Destination Duluth is pleased to announce “DD Outdoors,” a new initiative highlighting all the outdoor recreational adventures in Duluth. Each post will describe an exciting outdoor activity, such as mountain biking, cross-country skiing, hiking, and many others. A surfer enjoys some post-storm waves on Lake Superior. Photo by Michael Leppela – Instagram @mikeyleppsphoto. This new series will also support the efforts of the Duluth Area Outdoor Alliance (DAOA). But, more on that later. And, of course it wouldn’t be a DD initiative without plenty of captivating images. Along with thorough written descriptions, DD Outdoors posts will be accompanied by plenty of great photos, videos, and/or reels, captured by some of DD’s top outdoor photographers. The Team Spearheading this initiative are two talented – and Duluth-based – photographers who truly know their stuff: Ryan Rumpca and Tanner Hermes. You probably already recognize their names, as they are regular contributors to DD. But, here are some highlights: Ryan Rumpca is shown during a photoshoot with a restored Land Rover in northern Wisconsin. FB Ryan Rumpca Studio – IG @ryanrumpca Ryan Rumpca enjoys all forms of outdoor activities. Some of his favorites include gravel biking, hiking, backpacking, stand-up paddleboarding, and camping. He is also a talented photographer. Professionally, Rumpca is an engineering project manager at Cirrus. Ryan’s full backstory can be found here: Photographer Ryan Rumpca Captures the Adventurous – Destination DuluthTanner Hermes moved to Duluth because its outdoor adventure opportunities. Photo submitted IG @thermes_dlh Tanner Hermes is a true outdoorsman, with an affinity for skiing, rock climbing, mountain biking, and stand-up paddleboarding. Photography is another one of his skills and talents. He and his wife, Pamela, moved to Duluth in 2017 after seeing an article about Duluth winning Outside Magazine’s 2014 “Best Town in America” contest. His “day job” is as a physician assistant for Orthopedic Associates. Tanner’s full story can be found here: Outside Magazine was the inspiration to #befromDuluth – Destination Duluth Additionally, Hermes and Rumpca will also be relying on a variety of other DD content contributors to submit photos for DD Outdoors. “We all have our niche,” Hermes said. “We want to include other content creators, too, to spread out the exposure and build this initiative from the ground up.” A trio enjoys mountain biking through the fall colors. Photo by Michael Leppela @mikeyleppsphoto.Why? Hermes shared some of the reasons for creating DD Outdoors. “We want to support the Duluth Area Outdoor Alliance (DAOA), an organization that inspires collaboration within our outdoor recreation community,” he explained. “We also want to highlight DAOA’s upcoming Great Lakes Outdoor Summit, which will take place October 24 – 26, 2024. “We will also be trying to bring awareness to the various outdoor recreation organizations within the DAOA. Many of these are volunteer-led and the services they provide (such as trail building and maintenance) are volunteer-based. We think it is important to recognize and support these groups and the amazing work they do for the outdoor recreation community in this area.” (More info can be found here: Duluth Area Outdoor Alliance ( “Additionally, we really want to get the momentum for Duluth going again, like it had after the ‘Best Town in America’ award,” he added. “We really want to increase the awareness of Duluth as an outdoor city.” Details DD Outdoors is currently expected to offer 1-2 posts per week, describing the wonderful, year-round recreational opportunities available to us here in Duluth. And, accompanying photos will display the “outdoor lifestyle,” along with the people who love it. No matter your skill level or ability, it will feature activities for all people. “Recreation means different things for different people,” Hermes said. “For many, it’s things like skiing and rock-climbing, but for others, it’s a leisurely walk through the Rose Garden. Our goal is to try to represent everyone; it isn’t just going to be extreme sports.” Goal As noted, Hermes and his family moved here in 2017. He hopes to inspire others to #befromduluth, too. “We want to appeal to the 18-year-old who is looking for a great place to go to college, the family with small kids who are thinking of relocating, or people who simply just want to enjoy nature and the easily accessible trails and paved paths in Duluth,” he said. A group enjoys winter fat tire biking on a frozen lake. Photo by Hansi Johnson, Instagram @hansski43.Kick-Off This ambitious new initiative will kick off with its first post on September 3rd. Hermes and Rumpca are thrilled to get it up and running. “I’m very excited to be a part of this,” Hermes shared. “It’s such an exciting opportunity. We truly want to make Duluth your destination for outdoors.” _________________________________________________________________Andrea Busche is a Duluth + regional freelance writer and small business owner. She is credited with over 1,000 bylines in local print and digital publications, and has been a frequent contributor to Destination Duluth since 2017.
Andrea Busche
Andrea Busche is a Duluth and regional freelance writer credited with over 1,000 bylines in local print and digital publications. Her food column, Local Pairings, was first featured in magazine, and later published in the Duluth News Tribune from 2016-2018.